Xia Zhì Festival:Summer Solstice In China

Xia Zhì Festival:Summer Solstice In China

The Summer Solstice, one of the twenty-four solar terms, marks a crucial juncture when the sun's direct rays reach their northernmost point of the year, signifying the longest daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the sun almost directly strikes the Tropic of Cancer, making the sun's altitude the highest of the year in areas north of the Tropic of Cancer.

The Summer Solstice is not just a solar term but a turning point. After the solstice, the sun's direct rays begin to move southward, and daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere gradually shorten. For regions north of the Tropic of Cancer in China, the sun's altitude will gradually decrease after the solstice, while regions south of the Tropic of Cancer will see a decline after the sun directly strikes again.

Post-solstice weather is characterized by high temperatures, high humidity, and frequent thunderstorms. Although the yang energy is at its peak on the Summer Solstice, making it the longest day of the year, it is not the hottest day since the ground continues to accumulate heat.

In ancient times, the Summer Solstice was not only a solar term but also an important folk festival. People would worship gods and ancestors on this day, reflecting their reverence for nature and remembrance of their forebears. To cope with the ensuing summer heat, people consumed cooling foods like Qingbuliang soup, herbal tea, and sour plum soup to cool down. These traditional customs and dietary habits enriched people's lives and carried forward a deep cultural heritage.


What is the Summer Solstice Festival?

The Summer Solstice Festival, one of China's traditional twenty-four solar terms, usually falls between June 20 and 22 each year. This solar term marks the official start of summer when the sun's direct rays reach their northernmost point. On this day, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the longest daylight hours and the highest sun altitude, allowing people to feel the heat and vitality of summer.

Beyond astronomical phenomena, the Summer Solstice Festival is rich in cultural significance. In ancient times, people would hold rituals to worship gods and ancestors on this day, praying for divine blessings for a bountiful harvest and family well-being. The festival was also an excellent time for people to cool off, with cooling foods like Qingbuliang soup, herbal tea, and sour plum soup becoming popular choices to help people get through the hot summer days. 

Today, although the Summer Solstice Festival no longer involves elaborate rituals, people still celebrate this special solar term in various ways, feeling the enthusiasm and vitality of summer. Whether it's through gatherings, outings, or simple family reunions, people find ways to enjoy the Summer Solstice Festival.


Summer Solstice Festival Weather

The weather during the Summer Solstice Festival can be summarized by the following characteristics:

High Precipitation:

- During the Summer Solstice period, precipitation is usually high. Especially in the Jiangnan region, there can be frequent heavy rains, sometimes posing a risk of floods.

- In the Jianghuai area, the Summer Solstice can bring about the Meiyu season, making the air very humid and damp, which can foster the growth of mold and bacteria.

- Northern regions also experience frequent rainfall during the Summer Solstice, including heavy rains, light rains, or thunderstorms.


Long Daylight Hours:

- The most notable climatic feature of the Summer Solstice is the long daylight hours. On this day, the Northern Hemisphere receives the maximum amount of daylight for the year. For a period after the solstice, days remain long and nights short, with ample sunlight until autumn.


Temperature and Humidity:

- After the solstice, temperatures are high and humidity is significant due to the intense ground heating and vigorous air convection.

- Afternoon and evening thunderstorms are common, often characterized by sudden and intense rainstorms that quickly pass, known locally as “summer rain across fields.”


Wind Direction:

- In ancient agricultural societies, people observed the relationship between solar terms and wind direction. The predominant wind during the Summer Solstice is the south wind, also called the “scenic wind.” If the north wind appears, it might indicate unusual weather, such as sudden cooling, hail, and increased rainfall, which could lead to disasters.

In summary, the weather during the Summer Solstice Festival is characterized by high precipitation, long daylight hours, high temperatures, high humidity, and specific wind directions. These features together create the unique climatic environment of the Summer Solstice period.


Symbolic Significance of the Summer Solstice Festival


The Summer Solstice Festival holds rich symbolic significance, which can be interpreted in various ways. Here is a detailed explanation of its symbolic meanings:


Harvest and Prosperity:

- The Summer Solstice Festival symbolizes harvest and prosperity. During this period, crops grow vigorously, indicating fertile farmlands and societal prosperity. In ancient times, farmers planned the planting seasons based on the Summer Solstice, making it significant in agricultural societies.


Peak of Yang Energy:

- The Summer Solstice also symbolizes the peak of yang energy. It is the time of the year when yang energy is at its highest, representing the force of life and vibrant scenes. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body's yang energy also peaks at this time, reminding people to stay active, exercise, and maintain health and vitality.


Harmony of Heaven and Earth and Balance of Yin and Yang:

- The Summer Solstice symbolizes the harmony of heaven and earth and the balance of yin and yang. On this day, the sunlight reaches its northernmost point in the Northern Hemisphere, with the longest day and the shortest night, reflecting a balanced state of yin and yang. It reminds people to maintain physical and mental balance and seek harmony within and without.


Passage of Time and Cherishing Time:

- The Summer Solstice, as one of the twenty-four solar terms, marks an important turning point, signifying the official start of summer. It symbolizes the passage of time and the cycle of seasons, reminding people to cherish time and follow the natural rhythms.

In summary, the symbolic significance of the Summer Solstice Festival is abundant and multifaceted. It embodies themes of harvest and prosperity, the peak of yang energy, the harmony of heaven and earth, and the passage of time, reflecting people's reverence for nature and the cyclical nature of life.



History of the Summer Solstice Festival


Origins and Astronomical Observations


The origins of the Summer Solstice can be traced back to ancient agrarian civilizations.

Ancient people observed the patterns of the sun and discovered that on the Summer Solstice, the sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer, resulting in the longest daylight hours.

According to the "Kezunxiandu Manuscript": “The sun reaches the north, the longest day, and the shortest shadow, hence the name Summer Solstice. ‘Zhi’ means extreme.” This explains the origin of the term "Summer Solstice."


Solar Term and Agricultural Production


As one of the twenty-four solar terms, the Summer Solstice holds significant importance for agricultural production.

It marks a crucial phase in the growing season of crops, with farmers adjusting their planting and harvesting schedules based on the Summer Solstice.


Traditional Customs and Cultural Celebrations


Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of worshiping gods and ancestors on the Summer Solstice to pray for a bountiful harvest and peace.

After the Summer Solstice, people consume cooling foods like Qingbuliang soup, herbal tea, and sour plum soup to beat the heat. These traditional delicacies have also become symbols of the Summer Solstice Festival.


Historical Evolution and Official Recognition


In ancient times, the Summer Solstice was not only a solar term but also an important festival.

During the Tang Dynasty, the government instituted a three-day holiday for the Summer Solstice, highlighting its importance.

However, starting from the Yuan Dynasty, the significance of the Summer Solstice Festival declined, while the status of the Dragon Boat Festival rose, as reflected in the official holidays, where the Summer Solstice holiday was removed, but the Dragon Boat Festival was retained.


Modern Significance and Inheritance


Although the modern celebrations of the Summer Solstice Festival may not be as elaborate as in ancient times, it still carries rich cultural significance.

People celebrate the Summer Solstice in various ways, enjoying the enthusiasm and vitality of summer while also passing down and promoting traditional culture.


Traditional Customs of the Summer Solstice Festival


The Summer Solstice Festival is marked by diverse traditional customs, reflecting people's reverence for nature and love for life. Here are some key traditional customs:


Worshiping Gods and Ancestors:

- The Summer Solstice is a time for celebrating harvests and worshiping ancestors, praying for a year free from disasters and abundant crops.

- This custom reflects the ancient agrarian society's respect for ancestors and deities and is one of the most classic customs of the Summer Solstice Festival.


Beating the Heat:

- On the Summer Solstice, women would exchange folding fans and powder. Folding fans were used to create a breeze, and powder was applied to cool the body and prevent heat rashes.

- In ancient royal courts, after the Summer Solstice, ice stored from winter would be used to cool down, a practice that started in the Zhou Dynasty and continued through subsequent dynasties.


Eating Summer Solstice Noodles:

- "Winter Solstice dumplings, Summer Solstice noodles" is an important custom in many regions. With the new wheat harvested around the Summer Solstice, eating noodles also symbolizes tasting the new grain.

- The variety of noodles brings diversity and enjoyment to life.


Eating Summer Solstice Eggs and Rice Dumplings:

- In areas like Hengyang, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, and Xiangxi in southern Hunan, there is a tradition of eating eggs on the Summer Solstice. On the morning of the Summer Solstice, people cook whole eggs, dye the shells red with red paper or dye, and hang them in small nets on children's chests until noon or afternoon before peeling and eating them.

- In the northwest, people eat rice dumplings on the Summer Solstice and use chrysanthemum ash to prevent pests from harming wheat.


Eating “Mai Zong” and “Summer Solstice Cakes”:

- In the Jiangnan region, there is a custom of making “Mai Zong” (wheat dumplings) and “Summer Solstice Cakes” on the Summer Solstice. People make dumplings or thin cakes from wheat flour to offer to ancestors and then eat or share them with family and friends.

- These traditional customs enrich the cultural connotations of the Summer Solstice Festival, making people cherish and pass down this ancient festival.


Agricultural Activities during the Summer Solstice Festival

The agricultural activities during the Summer Solstice Festival mainly include the following aspects: 

Field Work:

- Plowing: During the Summer Solstice, farmers plow the fields to improve soil aeration and moisture retention.

- Loosening Soil and Weeding: To promote crop growth, farmers loosen the soil and remove weeds to reduce competition with crops.



- Due to higher temperatures and faster evaporation, soil moisture rapidly decreases. Therefore, farmers enhance irrigation to ensure crops receive sufficient water.



- Summer crops grow rapidly and require more nutrients. Farmers apply fertilizers during the Summer Solstice to meet the nutritional needs of crops.


Pest and Disease Control:

- Summer is a high-risk season for pests and diseases. Farmers intensify monitoring and control efforts, using measures like spraying pesticides and setting up sticky traps to reduce the impact of pests and diseases on crops.


Pruning and Harvesting Fruit Trees:

- The Summer Solstice is also a period of vigorous growth for fruit trees. Farmers regularly prune trees to control their shape and improve fruit quality and yield.

- Additionally, for some ripe fruits like lychees, farmers harvest them and handle storage promptly to maintain freshness and nutrition.


In summary, the agricultural activities during the Summer Solstice Festival focus on field work, irrigation, fertilization, pest and disease control, and pruning and harvesting fruit trees. These activities aim to ensure the healthy growth and bountiful harvest of crops, playing a crucial role in securing the production and supply of food and agricultural products.


 Foods Eaten During the Summer Solstice Festival


The Summer Solstice Festival is a holiday rich in traditional customs and delicious foods. On this day, people enjoy specific foods to celebrate. Here are some common foods eaten during the Summer Solstice Festival:


Summer Solstice Noodles:

Eating noodles during the Summer Solstice is a significant custom in many places. With the new wheat harvested, eating noodles also symbolizes tasting the new crop. There are many types of noodles to choose from, such as Yangchun noodles, dry soup noodles, shredded meat noodles, fried sauce noodles, crossing-the-bridge noodles, and sesame oil cold noodles, catering to different tastes.


Dumplings or Summer Solstice Soup:

In certain regions of Jiangnan, such as Wuxi, there is a tradition of eating dumplings on the Summer Solstice. The dumplings, shaped like eggs, symbolize "the opening of the chaos," implying that eating them will make one smarter. In Changsha, Hunan, people eat a kind of rice ball made from glutinous rice flour mixed with mouse-ear herb, known as "Summer Solstice Soup."


Summer Solstice Eggs:

In areas like Hengyang, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, and western Hunan, there is a tradition of eating Summer Solstice eggs. People boil eggs, peel them, and cook them with red dates in soup, or dye the eggshells red and hang them in a small net bag on children's chests. They are eaten at noon or in the afternoon, symbolizing strength and health.


Pea Cake:

In Nanjing, elders make pea cakes for children on the Summer Solstice, symbolizing steady growth and safety. Pea cakes are usually made from fresh peas and have a sweet taste, helping to open up the appetite and beat the heat.


Summer Solstice Cake:

With the wheat harvest completed and new wheat on the market, people make thin pancakes from the new wheat flour, bake them, and eat them with vegetables, beans, tofu, and cured meat. These are known as "Summer Solstice Cakes" and are shared with family and friends after offering them to ancestors.


Cooling Soup or Herbal Tea:

After the Summer Solstice, the temperature and humidity rise, so people drink cooling soups or herbal teas to stay cool. These beverages, made from ingredients like red dates, lotus seeds, green beans, and barley, help to quench thirst, satisfy cravings, and reduce internal heat.


These foods are not only delicious but also nutritious, helping to cool down and maintain health. They also carry rich cultural significance and represent people's wishes for a good life.


Summer Solstice Festival Taboos 

The taboos during the Summer Solstice Festival mainly include the following aspects:


Dietary Taboos:


  1. Avoid raw and cold foods: Such as ice cream, chili, and raw garlic, as these can cause stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, which are detrimental to health. This is especially important for the elderly, those who are weak, and those with a sensitive stomach.
  2. Avoid excessive hot foods:Such as pepper, chili, raw onion, raw garlic, and ginger, to prevent exacerbating internal heat.
  3. Avoid overly cold foods:Excessive consumption of cold foods like watermelon and ice cream can negatively affect the stomach.
  4. Avoid greasy and hot foods:Greasy foods can cause bloating and indigestion, while hot foods can irritate the mouth and throat.


Behavioral Taboos:

  1. Avoid cold water bathing: Bathing in cold water during the Summer Solstice can allow cold air to enter the body, harming internal yang energy and causing discomfort.
  2. Avoid haircuts: According to "Qing Jia Lu," it's taboo to get a haircut on the Summer Solstice as it may affect one's luck, especially financial luck. Although this is somewhat superstitious, it is still followed in some areas.
  3. Avoid sitting on door sills: In regions like Jiangsu and Zhejiang, sitting on door sills on the Summer Solstice is believed to cause summer lethargy, so people avoid this.
  4. Avoid sleeping in excessively cool environments: When sleeping at night, avoid setting the temperature too low to prevent cold air from entering the body.


Overall, the taboos of the Summer Solstice Festival focus on diet and behavior. Following these taboos helps maintain health and avoid unnecessary risks. However, some taboos may be superstitious and should be viewed rationally. During the Summer Solstice Festival, people should pay attention to dietary hygiene and nutritional balance, and arrange their schedules reasonably to adapt to the hot weather.


Suitable Jewelry for the Summer Solstice Festival 

The Summer Solstice Festival is a time for wearing specific types of jewelry. Here are some recommended pieces:

  1. Crystal Jewelry:Crystal has a transparent and cool feel, making it perfect for summer. Jewelry like white crystal and pink crystal not only looks beautiful but also provides a cooling effect. Additionally, crystal jewelry is resistant to damage from sweat, making it comfortable and refreshing to wear.
  2. Jade Jewelry: Jade has a cool and smooth texture, with a gentle and delicate feel. Small and exquisite jade pendants, especially in apple green or bright green hues, are particularly suitable for summer wear.
  3. Pearl Jewelry:Whether it’s necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, pearls exude an elegant and fresh vibe, making them ideal for the Summer Solstice Festival.
  4. Mugwort Belts: Mugwort belts are traditional accessories worn during the Summer Solstice, believed to ward off evil and prevent illnesses. People wear them around the waist for protection and health.
  5. Five-colored Silk Bracelets:These bracelets are made from red, yellow, blue, white, and black silk threads, representing different attributes of the five elements. They are worn to seek balance and health.
  6. Sunflower Accessories:Including wreaths and flower balls made from fresh flowers and fruits, symbolizing enthusiasm and harvest, adding a festive atmosphere.
  7. Dragon and Phoenix Jewelry: Representing auspiciousness and good fortune in ancient Chinese culture, these finely designed metal pieces symbolize good luck.


Additionally, silver jewelry is a good option, being affordable and available in various styles with a cooling effect. Colorful gemstone necklaces or pendants, such as tourmaline and aquamarine, add vibrant energy to the summer. Amber jewelry, with its unique texture and color, brings a natural touch.

In summary, there are many jewelry options for the Summer Solstice Festival, and you can choose according to your personal preferences and style.


Feng Shui Practices for the Summer Solstice Festival


Feng Shui practices during the Summer Solstice Festival mainly involve the following aspects:


  1. Residential Environment Adjustments


Interior Design and Layout:

During the Summer Solstice, yang energy reaches its peak. Proper interior design and layout can enhance the comfort of the living environment. For instance, reasonable furniture placement and adjusting the orientation of bedrooms and living rooms can facilitate the flow of yang energy, creating a harmonious living space.


Temperature and Ventilation:

Due to the hot weather during the Summer Solstice, regulating indoor temperature becomes crucial. Setting a suitable air conditioning temperature, choosing appropriate curtains and furniture materials, can keep the indoor environment cool and comfortable. Ensuring good ventilation is also key.


Plant Selection:

Plants play a significant role in Feng Shui. During the Summer Solstice, it's advisable to choose sun-loving green plants like spider plants and ivy. These plants can bring fresh air into the room and create a positive atmosphere.


  1. Personal Behavior and Habits


Diet Adjustments:

During the Summer Solstice, the diet should be light to cope with the hot weather. Avoid spicy and greasy foods and consume more whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and apples, to replenish the body's vitamins and fluids.


Physical Activity:

Even though the weather is hot, moderate physical activity is still necessary. Choose light exercises in the early morning or late afternoon to maintain vitality.


  1. Cultural Customs and Taboos


Avoid Haircuts:

There is a folk saying, "No haircuts during the Summer Solstice," as it is believed to affect one's fortune. While this may be superstitious, it reflects respect for this special period.


Other Taboos:

Other taboos during the Summer Solstice include not sitting on door sills and avoiding excessive cooling at night to maintain health and prevent unnecessary risks.


In summary, Feng Shui practices for the Summer Solstice Festival cover residential environment adjustments, personal behavior and habits, and cultural customs and taboos. Following these practices helps people better adapt to the climatic characteristics of the Summer Solstice, maintain health, and enjoy a harmonious living environment.


Health Practices for the Summer Solstice Festival


Health practices during the Summer Solstice Festival can be approached through the following methods:


  1. Dietary Adjustments


Light Diet:

During the Summer Solstice, the weather is hot, appetite is low, and digestive function is relatively weak. Therefore, the diet should be light, avoiding oily, spicy, and overly salty foods. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, cucumbers, and apples, helps replenish vitamins and water.


Moderate Protein Intake:

Choose quality proteins such as seafood and eggs to boost immunity.


Drink More Soups:

Soups like mung bean soup and winter melon soup can help replenish fluids and cool the body.


  1. Sleep and Rest


Early to Bed, Early to Rise:

Aligning with the natural increase in yang energy, it’s beneficial to sleep early and rise early to nourish yang energy. A short nap at noon can help replenish sleep and adjust the body.


Maintain a Good Sleeping Environment:

Choose breathable bedding materials like cotton, keep the bed clean, and create a comfortable sleeping environment to improve sleep quality.


  1. Physical Exercise


Suitable Exercise:

Engage in suitable exercises such as swimming, morning runs, and Tai Chi. These activities can strengthen the body, improve cardiovascular function, and relieve stress.


Control Exercise Intensity and Time:

Exercise is best done in the early morning or late afternoon, with sessions lasting between 30 minutes to an hour to avoid fatigue.


  1. Mental Adjustments


Maintain a Happy Mood:

Summer can make people irritable, so it's important to adjust your mindset and stay happy, which helps disperse yang energy and maintain health.


Listen to Music and Meditate:

Activities like listening to music and meditating can help relax the mind and relieve stress.


In summary, the key to health during the Summer Solstice is adjusting diet, sleep, exercise, and mindset. Through reasonable adjustments, the body can better adapt to the hot weather, maintaining health and happiness.


Differences Between the Summer Solstice Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival


The Summer Solstice Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival are two important traditional Chinese festivals with distinct differences. Here is a detailed comparison:


  1. Time and Significance


Summer Solstice Festival:

- Time: Usually falls around the 6th month of the lunar calendar, specifically between June 20th and 22nd.

- Significance: The Summer Solstice is the 10th solar term in the Chinese calendar, marking the official start of summer. On this day, the sun's position reaches its northernmost point, and the northern hemisphere experiences the longest daylight.


Dragon Boat Festival:

- Time: Fixed on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.

- Significance: Initially celebrated to honor the ancient poet Qu Yuan and to ward off diseases, the Dragon Boat Festival has become a culturally rich holiday with various activities.


  1. Customs and Activities


Summer Solstice Festival:

- Customs: Celebrating the arrival of summer with activities like sunrise watching and eating dumplings. Watching the sunrise symbolizes the earliest rise of the sun, while eating dumplings, shaped like the sun, symbolizes good fortune and happiness.

- Activities: Besides sunrise watching and eating dumplings, other activities might include lion dances and dragon dances, though celebrations are generally simpler compared to the Dragon Boat Festival.


Dragon Boat Festival:

- Customs: Rich in customs like dragon boat racing, eating rice dumplings (zongzi), and hanging mugwort leaves. Dragon boat racing commemorates the rescue attempt of Qu Yuan, while eating zongzi and hanging mugwort leaves symbolize warding off evil spirits.

- Activities: The festival involves elaborate celebrations, including dragon boat races, making and sharing zongzi, and various other cultural activities.


  1. Foods and Symbols


Summer Solstice Festival:

- Foods: Fresh fruits like peaches and apricots are common as they are in season. Eating dumplings is also a significant custom.

- Symbols: The focus is on welcoming summer and celebrating the sun.


Dragon Boat Festival:

- Foods: Zongzi, made from glutinous rice with various fillings, is the most representative food, symbolizing unity and harvest. There is also a tradition of drinking realgar wine to ward off evil spirits.

- Symbols: The festival honors Qu Yuan and involves various symbols related to protection and health.


In summary, the Summer Solstice Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival differ in their timing, significance, customs, activities, and symbolic foods. The Summer Solstice Festival celebrates the beginning of summer and is marked by simpler activities, while the Dragon Boat Festival commemorates Qu Yuan and features rich cultural traditions.


Differences Between the Summer Solstice Festival and the Winter Solstice Festival


The Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice are two distinct solar terms with significant differences. Here is a detailed comparison:


  1. Time


Summer Solstice:

- Time: Occurs annually around June 20th, 21st, or 22nd. On this day, the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, and the northern hemisphere experiences the longest day of the year.


Winter Solstice:

- Time: Occurs annually around December 21st, 22nd, or 23rd. The sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, and the northern hemisphere experiences the shortest day of the year.


  1. Climatic Characteristics


Summer Solstice:

- Climate: It is mid-summer, characterized by hot weather, frequent heavy rains, and high humidity.


Winter Solstice:

- Climate: It falls in deep winter, marked by cold weather, sometimes with heavy snow and low temperatures.


  1. Customs and Activities


Summer Solstice:

- Customs: Includes a variety of activities such as worshiping gods and ancestors and seeking ways to stay cool. People exchange fans and powder to ward off the heat and wish for a prosperous year.

- Foods: Eating noodles is a common custom, symbolizing tasting the new harvest and prosperity.


Winter Solstice:

- Customs: A significant traditional festival involving grand ancestral worship and family reunions. In southern China, there is a tradition of eating tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) symbolizing family unity, while in northern China, eating dumplings is common, symbolizing wealth and good fortune.


  1. Cultural Significance


Summer Solstice:

- Significance: Marks the official start of summer, representing vitality and prosperity. Historically, it was an important festival for worshiping and celebrating the harvest.


Winter Solstice:

- Significance: Considered a major festival, with the saying "Winter Solstice is as important as the New Year." It not only marks a natural solar term but also carries deep cultural significance and familial warmth.


In summary, the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice differ in time, climatic characteristics, customs, activities, and cultural significance. Each solar term holds its unique place within the rich tapestry of traditional Chinese culture.




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