The Bada Yun Pattern

The Bada Yun Pattern

Bada Yun, originally a type of brocade pattern, refers to a design structure where eight routes interconnect, and later became synonymous with this type of brocade. The structure of the Bada Yun pattern is composed of regular squares, circles, geometric shapes, and natural forms, creating an intricate and luxurious all-over pattern similar to architectural decorative painting.

The production of Bada Yun began as early as the Tang Dynasty, known then as Dajian Jin and Yunjian Jin. During the Song Dynasty, it was referred to as Bada Yun. This pattern further developed during the Song Dynasty, with various styles such as Bahua Yun, Yingou Yun, and Daxiao Yun Jian. The pattern is lavishly colored, akin to architectural painting, and is documented in materials like "Yingzao Fashi." During the Yuan Dynasty, it was called Bada Yun.


Pattern Structure

The structure of the Bada Yun pattern is characterized by a vertical, horizontal, and diagonal layout based on a "mi" (米) character format, forming an interconnected eight-direction pattern. At the intersections of these lines, square, circular, or polygonal frames are placed, within which various geometric patterns are filled. This structure is both regular and intricate, creating a complex and splendid visual effect.

The Bada Yun pattern’s structure is unique and complex. Using vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, it creates a basic skeleton resembling the "mi" character. This skeleton divides the pattern into eight interconnected sections, forming a pattern where eight directions meet. At the intersections of the "mi" skeleton, square, circular, or polygonal frames are usually set, filled with various geometric designs.

This pattern structure is both orderly and varied, presenting an intricate and luxurious visual effect. The structure of the Bada Yun pattern not only embodies the aesthetic principles of symmetry and harmony but also carries symbolic meanings, representing the auspicious idea of interconnected pathways and prosperity.

Moreover, the color scheme of the Bada Yun pattern is a significant component of its structure. Typically, this pattern employs a rich and grand color palette, such as the two-hue and three-hue coloring methods, where different colors blend and gradually fade, creating a distinctive color effect that enhances the visual impact of the pattern.


Color Scheme and Symbolism 

The color scheme of the Bada Yun pattern is lavish, similar to architectural decorative painting, commonly featuring two-hue and three-hue schemes, where two or three different colors blend and fade, creating a unique decorative effect. This pattern is endowed with the auspicious meanings of interconnected pathways, reflecting the Chinese preference for auspicious symbols.

The color scheme and symbolism of the Bada Yun pattern can be summarized as follows:

Color Scheme:

  1. Rich and Layered: The Bada Yun pattern typically uses a variety of colors such as deep red, blue, light blue, green, gold, dark green, ochre, light red, black, and white, creating a vibrant visual effect.
  2. Gradient Effect: Its characteristic is the use of gradient techniques, often employing two-hue and three-hue schemes where colors blend and fade, showing subtle transitions that add depth and dynamic beauty to the pattern.


  1. Interconnected Pathways: The Bada Yun pattern, centered on an octagonal shape, extends in eight directions, symbolizing "eight interconnected pathways." This represents the wish for smooth and unhindered progress in all directions, symbolizing the desire for prosperity and success in life.
  2. Wealth and Auspiciousness:Due to its luxurious color scheme and intricate design, the Bada Yun pattern is often seen as a symbol of wealth and good fortune. In traditional culture, auspicious patterns are used to seek good luck and abundance, and the Bada Yun pattern embodies this wish visually.
  3. Cultural Heritage: As a traditional pattern, the Bada Yun carries deep cultural significance. Its widespread use and transmission showcase the charm of traditional Chinese culture and reflect people's aspirations for a better life.

In summary, the Bada Yun pattern’s rich and colorful scheme, along with its profound symbolism, embodies both aesthetic value and the pursuit of a better life.


History and Development 

The Bada Yun pattern originated in the Five Dynasties period and began large-scale production during the Song Dynasty, with further development leading to variations like Bahua Yun, Yingou Yun, and Daxiao Yun Jian. During the Yuan Dynasty, it was known as "Bada Yun Jin," and in modern times it is also referred to as "Tianhua Jin." This pattern was popular in ancient brocade and was one of the main types of Song brocade. 

As a traditional pattern, Bada Yun has a rich history and has evolved through various dynasties, exhibiting different characteristics over time. Below is a summary of its history and development:

Origin and Early Development

  1. Origin: The Bada Yun pattern likely originated during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, characterized by a combination of regular squares, circles, geometric shapes, and natural forms.
  2. Song Dynasty Development: The Song Dynasty marked a significant period for Bada Yun, where it was known as "Bada Yun." During this time, the pattern evolved with various styles such as Bahua Yun, Yingou Yun, and Daxiao Yun Jian. The color schemes during this period were lavish and akin to architectural decorative painting, showcasing high artistic achievements.

Subsequent Development and Influence

  1. Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties: During the Yuan Dynasty, the pattern continued to be popular, referred to as "Bada Yun." It remained widely used in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in textiles, architectural paintings, lacquerware, and ceramics, displaying its lasting artistic appeal.
  2. Application Fields: The Bada Yun pattern was not only used for fashionable garments but also for interior decoration and the embellishment of items like lacquer boxes and the tops of calligraphy and paintings. It enriched these items' visual effects and overall value.

Cultural Connotation and Symbolism

  1. Artistic and Luxurious: The Bada Yun pattern, with its unique structure and rich color scheme, symbolizes the aspiration for interconnected pathways and prosperity. It embodies the traditional Chinese values of auspiciousness and abundance.
  2. Symbol of Fortune and Harmony: This pattern, representing good fortune and wealth, reflects people's yearning for a better life, making it a cherished motif in traditional culture.

In summary, the Bada Yun pattern, with its deep cultural connotation and unique artistic style, spans multiple dynasties and shows different artistic features and applications in different periods.



The Bada Yun pattern is widely used for various purposes, such as making fashionable garments, interior decoration, and embellishing lacquer boxes and the tops of calligraphy and paintings. During the Song Dynasty, it was also extensively used in decorative painting, lacquerware, and ceramics, showcasing its broad application and deep cultural heritage.

The applications of the Bada Yun pattern are diverse and extensive. Here is a summary of its applications:

Garment Making

Fashionable Garments: In ancient times, the Bada Yun pattern was commonly used to make fashionable garments. Its unique design and luxurious colors added elegance, making the wearer stand out in a crowd.

Interior Decoration

Interior Furnishings: Besides garments, the Bada Yun pattern was suitable for interior decoration materials. It could be applied to items like curtains, bedspreads, and tablecloths, adding an artistic touch to the living space. 

Artistic Embellishment

Lacquer Boxes and Calligraphy Tops: The pattern was also frequently used to decorate lacquer boxes and the tops of calligraphy and paintings. Its intricate design and auspicious symbolism enhanced the artistic and collectible value of these items. For example, some national treasure-level calligraphy and painting works from the Qianlong period used the Bada Yun pattern for embellishment, showcasing its unique artistic charm.

Other Application Fields

Decorative Painting, Lacquerware, and Ceramics: Additionally, during and after the Song Dynasty, the Bada Yun pattern was widely used in decorative painting, lacquerware, and ceramics. These items' Bada Yun patterns not only enriched their visual effects but also enhanced their overall artistic value.

In summary, the Bada Yun pattern's wide-ranging applications, from garment making and interior decoration to artistic embellishment and beyond, demonstrate its unique artistic charm and cultural value.





  1. "八答晕" [Bada Yun]
  2. "汉服设计纹样灵感——八达晕纹" [Inspiration for Hanfu Design Patterns - Bada Yun Pattern]
  3. "八达晕名词解释_百度文库" [Bada Yun Term Explanation on Baidu Wenku]
  4. "八答晕_百度百科" [Bada Yun on Baidu Encyclopedia]


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